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By-law Enforcement Services

“The objective of the Township’s By-Law Enforcement Service is to champion a collaborative
 approach to By-Law compliance that reflects the overall safety and wellbeing of the community.”

Our By-Law Enforcement Officials are responsible for the enforcement of by-laws passed by the Council of the Township of The Archipelago.  They also are engaged in educating residents and visitors about the by-laws and preferred conduct in our Township. These core functions of our By-law Enforcement Officials aim to reduce By-Law infractions and emergency incidents. We share your goal in maintaining a strong, vibrant community and the enjoyment of your time within the Township through transparent and accountable enforcement.

You may see By-Law Enforcement Services Officers and staff out in the community in marked Township vehicles. Occasional patrols, especially in the summer months, are done primarily with the intent to engage our ratepayers.  Our Officers are equipped with many educational resources to be distributed and attend various Association's annual general meetings during the season. If you see us on the roads, don’t hesitate to engage in friendly conversation.  

In an emergency dial 9-1-1.

For non-emergency OPP matters you have the ability to report through the OPP's online Self-Reporting Citizen System. Non-emergency calls can be made to 1-888-310-1122.

For forest fire reports call 310-FIRE (3473) or 9-1-1.  These calls are managed by Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry's Fire Services Branch.

To report a Crown Land or natural resource violation (any illegal activity against Ontario’s natural resources or a fire on Crown Land and Provincial Parks) call 1-877-847-7667.

The By-Law Enforcement Service summer hours of operation are as follows: Monday to Friday 9:00am  5:00pm.

By-Law Enforcement Officers respond to a variety of concerns including open burning, fireworks, noise, parking, signage, clean yards, and more. Due to the geographical nature of the Township, capturing photos, videos, and audio recordings of incidents greatly assist in an Officer’s investigation and are necessary for follow up on matters that could result in


To report a Municipal By-Law concern or for general inquiries please contact the By-Law Enforcement Service at:

*These reporting methods are monitored for response within 24 hours.

Note: Incomplete or anonymous requests will generally not be investigated. A person who initiates a request may be summonsed to testify before a court or tribunal in relation to the matter in which they requested. The information provided in the requesting process will be kept confidential.

If reporting a concern after-hours, please call 705-746-4243 ext.325 and leave a detailed message including all of the following information:

  • Name of requestor;
  • Address of requestor;
  • Contact information of requestor (e.g., phone number or email);
  • Details regarding the issue (e.g., who, what, when, and how);
  • Issue/incident location (e.g., civic address, what3words location, or road name).

*Requestor means the person who is initiating a complaint or concern.

An Officer will contact you the next operational day to address your concern. Our By-Law Enforcement Officers require contact information for follow-up, or, depending on the nature of the offence, to provide evidence and/or to appear as a witness in any court proceeding pertaining to the request made. With supporting evidence provided by you, By- Law Enforcement Officers can follow up and enact enforcement (even the next day) if warranted.

Note: Incomplete or anonymous requests will generally not be investigated. A person who initiates a request may be summonsed to testify before a court or tribunal in relation to the matter in which they requested. The information provided in the requesting process will be kept confidential.

Please refer to our Level of Service Policy for more information on request requirements, operational procedure, and Officer conduct.

View the year-end By-law Enforcement Service Activity Summaries below for an in-depth perspective on projects and statistics.

When can I start a campfire on my property?

You can start a campfire on your property if the current Fire Danger Rating is LOW or MODERATE. No open burning or campfires are permitted during a HIGH or EXTREME rating. All permitted fires must be started after 6:00pm and be extinguished before 2:00am. Recreational campfires must be no larger than 1M x 1M, should have a non- combustible base under it and a containment ring of metal or stones if possible. The location must be 5M away from all combustible material.

Are fireworks permitted in the Township?

Fireworks are only permitted during the prescribed days AND when the Fire Danger Rating is LOW or MODERATE. Prescribed days include Victoria Day, Canada Day, Independence Day (U.S), New Year's Eve and the one day immediately preceding and/or following each of those days.

I am planning a gathering at my cottage, what time does the Noise By-law require the noise to stop?

The Noise By-Law requires all amplified sound, music, yelling, or loud voices to cease by 11:00pm. Keep in mind, excessive noise that disturbs other residents or inhabitants is not permitted at any time.

 My neighbour is working at their property and creating noise, what time is construction noise required to stop?

 The noise from domestic tools and construction equipment is prohibited between 7:00pm one day to 7:00am the next day (9:00am on Sundays).

Can I park a vehicle or trailer on Township roads?

No. Parking on Township roads is prohibited except for “emergency parking only” or where parking is authorized and posted by the Township.

Why was my vehicle towed?


Upon discovery of any vehicle parked or standing in contravention of the provisions of the Roads By-law, a By-law Enforcement Officer appointed by the Township may cause it to be moved or taken to and placed or stored in a suitable place and all costs and charges for removing, care and storage thereof, if any, are a lien upon the vehicle.

I observed someone violating a by-law. How do I make an official request?

You can make an official request by reaching out to the By-Law Enforcement Services at

(705) 746-4243 ext.325. Alternatively, you can email or submit a request online through our website. Due to the geographical nature of the Township, capturing photos, videos, and audio recordings of incidents greatly assists in an officer’s investigation and are necessary for follow up on matters that could result in enforcement. If submitting an official request, be prepared to provide:

  • your name, address, and contact information;
  • the location of the violation;
  • any details you may have about the violation.


Will a Municipal Law Enforcement Officer respond to my request?

Yes. Once your request is received, an officer will reach out to you within 24 hours to gather more information about the violation. An investigation will be conducted and if a violation is present, the officer has many tools to correct the violation and prevent a re- occurrence.

I don’t want my neighbour to know I complained, how is this handled?

Your contact information is required should you be requested as a witness in a court proceeding. Your information is kept confidential during the investigative process and officers will not provide this information to the violator. If the matter were to end up in court and you were called upon as a witness, this information becomes part of the public record.