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The Finance Department provides financial services to the Township Council, the Public and Township Departments.  Primary responsibilities include:

  • providing information, reports, analysis and guidance to Township Council, the Public and Township Departments regarding financial operations of the Township
  • establishing, developing and maintaining accounting systems and procedures relating to financial activities for Township operations
  • billing and collection of municipal taxes
  • preparation of the Township's operating and capital budgets
  • processing accounts receivable and accounts payable
  • acts a lead Departments relative to the Township's purchasing function
  • investing and borrowing of funds
  • issue debentures relating to capital projects
  • acquiring and maintaining the Township's general insurance policies
  • Donation Policy (under construction)
Please note that building permit fees and other invoices can not be paid through your  internet telephone banking as this is for property taxes only.  We accept cash, debit, cheque, e-transfer or e-commerce.

Annual Consolidated Financial Statements

The annual Consolidated Financial Statements of the Township of The Archipelago can be accessed through the links provided below.  These statements have been audited by the  Township's accounting firm.

Vendor Payments / Direct Deposit The Township of The Archipelago now offers the option of Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) or direct deposit into a bank account for the payment of amounts owed to you by the Township.  Direct deposit is a fast and secure method of receiving payment for goods and services.

To begin receiving payment by direct deposit:
Accounts Payable
Township of The Archipelago
9 James Street
Parry Sound, Ontario  P2A 1T4
If you have any questions or concerns regarding direct deposit, please contact the Finance Department.


The Township now accepts e-transfer payments. 

The email account to be used to set up an e-transfer with your bank is

Also, please email the Township at and provide the following information so that the Township can accept your payment and apply it to the correct account:

  • the payment amount
  • detailed information on what the payment is for, e.g. donation, tax payment, invoice.  Please provide roll numbers, invoice numbers etc. where applicable.
  • answer to the security question that you set up for your e-transfer

Paying Your Tax Bills Online (E-Payments)

Online credit card payments are now available for Property Tax Bills.  A fee of 35 cents per transaction plus 3% of the bill will be applied to your credit card.
You will need your entire 19-digit roll number (without hyphens) in order to use this service.
Click here to make an E-Payment 

Asset Management

Through Asset Management Planning, the Township is detailing how it will maintain, manage, restore and replace these assets, when required, to ensure continued service delivery, a healthy environment, and economic vitality for current and future generations.

What are Municipal Assets?
As outlined in Ontario Regulation 588/17, assets are categorized into two classes – core assets or non-core assets. Core asset classes include water, wastewater, stormwater, roads, bridges and major culverts. Examples of non-core assets include facilities, buildings, parks, land and fleet assets. All assets, no matter their class, are the property of the municipality.

What is an Asset Management Plan?
Asset Management Plans are approaches for managing and investing in municipal infrastructure, including how the Township acquires, operates, maintains and replaces assets when required. These plans feature a capital needs analysis for the next 10 years for each asset, which include:

  • performing an inventory of all owned assets
  • assessing current condition, performance abilities and lifecycle forecasting of all assets
  • estimating projected growth and annual costs of all assets

The plans also answer questions, such as:
When does this building need to be replaced?
How often does a road need to be repaved?

Why is the Township creating an Asset Management Plan?
Asset Management Plans are an example of the Township’s commitment to good governance – they determine how the Township will afford to maintain, rehabilitate and replace assets in the future, allowing the Township to properly budget for these costs. They are also important to produce because if the entire inventory of the Township’s infrastructure were to be replaced today, we would be able to calculate the current value of the assets. Although the expected service life of assets are decades long, they will inevitably need to be replaced. And the older these assets get, the more they cost to maintain. These plans are developed to help manage and maintain these assets according to their lifecycle.

What are the benefits of an Asset Management Plan?
By properly managing assets, the Township will achieve:

  • economic benefits, including reduced costs and optimized spending based on asset lifecycles.
  • social benefits, including reduced disruptions to residents and sustained service levels.
  • environmental benefits, including reduced environmental impacts through scope and timing considerations.

Where can citizens find more information on our Asset Management Plan?
To view the council adopted Asset Management Plan, please click this link; Township of The Archipelago Asset Management Plan