Operational Services, Public Works & Roads

The Township of The Archipelago is primarily a water-based Township with the waterways functioning as public roadways.  The Archipelago wishes to preserve its water-based character, protect its natural environment and limit the expansion of its services with respect to the Township’s roads. 

There are many properties however that are accessed via road, whether by Township road (year-round or seasonally maintained) or by private road.   The Township’s road network consists of approximately 83 kilometres of roads.  22 kilometres are gravel and 61 kilometres are hard topped.  

Of the 83 kilometres of roads, the following roads are only seasonally maintained.  The Township would like to remind all persons that these seasonal roads are only maintained by the Township during the summer months and will not be maintained between the dates of October 15th and May 15th inclusive.  Per the Township's Roads By-law 15-43, unauthorized work/repairs to these roads is prohibited, including ploughing and the clearing of snow accumulation.  In the event of snow or inclement weather affecting one of the following roads, it is the responsibility of the seasonal resident or any other user of the road to extricate their vehicle if they get stuck or drive off the road.  

·  Aga Ming Road
Crane-Walker Road
Joyce Lane
Kapikog Dam Road
Kapikog North Road
Kapikog South Road
Munro Drive
North Fork Road
Ramsey-Johnston Road
South Fork Road

Schedule 'E' of the Township's Official Plan illustrates both the North and South sections of the Township's road network. The Official Plan can be downloaded from the Planning Documents folder.    

Private Road Maintenance
Please note: If your property is accessed by a private road and if you are using your property during the winter months it is your responsibility to maintain your private road to allow access for emergency services. The Archipelago will not maintain a private road in an emergency.  It will be the property owner's responsibility to hire a private contractor to clear a road should there be an emergency.

The Township has installed "Private Road” signage at the entrance to all private roads to make EMS and visitors aware that the road is not municipally maintained.

Rail Safety Tips for Off-Road Vehicle Operators

Driving an ATV, snowmobile or other recreational vehicle is a great way to enjoy Canada’s outdoors - if you do it safely. Be sure to follow these tips—they could save your life. 

Contact Information

Josh Badger, Director of Operational Services and Facilities
705-746-4243 Ext. 311
Eric Thompson, Public Works Supervisor
705-746-4243 Ext. 342

The Public Works After Hours Emergency Line is 1-800-460-5736. This phone number is for emergencies only. Road condition updates will not be provided. 

Please call the above number to report the following concerns after hours.  Your concerns will be forwarded to Township staff for response.
  • trees or any other obstruction blocking Township roadways
  • missing stop signs
  • road washouts
  • flooded roads
  • large potholes on roadways
  • icy roads or intersections
Please note: If your property is accessed by a private road and if you are using your property during the winter months, it is your responsibility to maintain your private road to allow access for emergency services.
The Archipelago will not maintain a private road in an emergency.  It will be the property owner's responsibility to hire a private contractor to clear a road should there be an emergency. 
The Township would like to remind all persons that the following seasonal roads are only maintained by the Township during the summer months and will not be maintained between the dates of October 15th and May 15th inclusive. 
  • Aga Ming Road
  • Crane-Walker Road
  • Joyce Lane
  • Kapikog Dam Road
  • Kapikog North Road
  • Kapikog South Road
  • Munro Drive
  • North Fork Road
  • Ramsey-Johnston Road
  • South Fork Road
Per the Township's Roads By-law 15-43, unauthorized work/repairs to these roads is prohibited, including ploughing and the clearing of snow accumulation.  In the event of snow or inclement weather affecting one of the above roads, it is the responsibility of the seasonal resident or any other user of the road to extricate their vehicle if they get stuck or drive off the road.  
Private Road Maintenance

Please note: If your property is accessed by a private road and if you are using your property during the winter months, it is your responsibility to maintain your private road to allow access for emergency services.
The Archipelago will not maintain a private road in an emergency.  It will be the property owner's responsibility to hire a private contractor to clear a road should there be an emergency.
The Township has installed "Private Road” signage at the entrance to all private roads to make EMS and visitors aware that the road is not municipally maintained.
An entrance permit is required if you want to construct a new entrance to your property that fronts on a Township road, or to make any changes to an existing entrance that fronts on a Township road.

All driveway intersections with Township roads and culverts shall be in compliance with Ontario Provincial standard specifications as set out in By-law 15-45.

For additional information regarding the approval process and an application form, please refer to the Entrance Application and Approval Form.

Please note that if the new entrance is providing road-access to a property where a structure is located, a new civic address may be required. Please contact the Township office for further information.
NOTICE: March 10, 2025: Reduced load restrictions are currently in effect for all Township roads in both the north and south portions of the Township of The Archipelago. 

Generally, reduced load periods are in effect on all roads under the jurisdiction of the Township of The Archipelago during the period from March 1st to May 31st inclusive, in each and every year, or for such period as may be determined by the Township’s Manager of Operational Services, subject to the provisions of the Highway Traffic Act, R.S.O. 1990, as amended.  

See the Township's Roads By-law 15-43.

Level of Service

To ensure that the Township’s roads are maintained to Provincial standards, the Township has established a Level of Service Policy with respect to winter maintenance (plowing, sanding, salting), road surface conditions (potholes, shoulders etc.), streetlights, signage, bridges and sidewalks.

Road Regulations

The Township’s roads are regulated with respect to such matters as speed limits, unauthorized parking, unauthorized work and repairs and the obstruction of roadways.    Parking of motor vehicles or trailers is prohibited on any Township road, except for "emergency parking only" or where parking is authorized and posted by the Township.  For further information and to review these provisions, please review Roads By-law 15-43
The Township of The Archipelago has authorized the use of all-terrain vehicles, multi-purpose off-highway utility vehicles and recreational off-highway vehicles on roadways under the jurisdiction of the Township, subject to Regulation 316/03 of the Highway Traffic Act with respect to the operation of off-road vehicles

ATV’s and off-highway vehicles are not permitted to be operated over or upon the following Township owned properties:
  • the Pointe au Baril Community Centre
  • Georgian Cliffs Memorial Park Cemetery
  • any waste landfill site or transfer station
  • any aggregate pit
  • any sidewalk
  • any other Township property, without the expressed written consent of the Township
For additional information regarding speed limits and the use of ATV’s and off-highway vehicles in the Township of The Archipelago, please review By-law 15-24, as amended.

Rail Safety Tips for Off-Road Vehicle Operators

Driving an ATV, snowmobile or other recreational vehicle is a great way to enjoy Canada’s outdoors - if you do it safely. Be sure to follow these tips—they could save your life.