The Township of The Archipelago recognizes the importance of public input and recognizes formal complaints as a valuable form of feedback. The Municipal Formal Complaint Policy will assist the Municipality in continuing to provide excellent service to the public and will contribute to the continuous improvement of operations.
Making a complaint
You have selected to complete this form in good faith that you have already had conversations with other Township staff or departments and are further, not satisfied. Since you are not satisfied with how your initial concerns were handled, you can submit a written complaint by completing this form.
Formal Complaints must be submitted to:
John McKinnon, Chief
Administrative Officer
Phone: (705) 746-4243 Ext. 303
The Township of The Archipelago’s employees will adhere to all applicable legislation regarding privacy in accordance with the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (MFIPPA).
Personal information on the complaint is treated as confidential to protect the privacy of the complainant. However, the complainant should be aware that certain circumstances may directly or indirectly identify him/her during an investigation.